
RENAISSANCE COLLECTIVES are local gatherings in cities around the world with space for creatives, entrepreneurs and people who are just curious about how they can be more creative in their work to connect and be equipped to bring God to the centre of their practice wherever they are called. More about how churches can get involved below.


 We want to pour out the water of creativity through the church so that every church and every city could become bursting full of the glory of God, fully alive with creativity.

The vision really simply is to spark the imagination of a generation. Renaissance is empowering churches to reach and serve the creative community through Collectives to help build the church, not for the sake of the church, but for the sake of the world around the church. Put simply, Renaissance Collectives are championing the next generation of creative thinkers by:

            1. helping people encounter the Creator
            2. equipping the creative
            3. empowering every local church to reach and serve their communities.

Register and gain access to the RENAISSANCE COLLECTIVE resources below to run a RENAISSANCE COLLECTIVE in your local church.

We’re excited to steward this together and to work with churches who can take it and contextualise RENAISSANCE COLLECTIVES for their own city, working with other churches to do so.

Check out our highlights video from SAINT’s East London Collective in July 2023: